December 30, 2007
December 18, 2007
Bring on the stress... I'm ready!

Here was our first big snow storm around here. This is my son outside of the store. Now... this was the 1st storm... followed up by another one a couple days later... which added on another 7-8"! I didn't get any pics of that... I was too busy shoveling!
On the Christmas knitting front... I finished Conor's present... the Sleepy Snake & Mischievous Mouse. This is one of my favorite things I knit this year... sooo cute! I think he's going to love it! Shhhh... don't tell him about it.. I've managed to keep this a secret!

December 8, 2007
Can I Knit for Me Yet???

November 21, 2007
I Knew I'd Find It!
Here's the devil hat I made for halloween using plymouth encore worsted.

Here's the baby blanket made with Crystal Palace's Puffin . I still need to make 4 tassels for the corners. For some reason I have a really hard time getting myself to make tassels... so I now have 2 projects that are waiting for them!

November 14, 2007
Me... Lose something??
Any way, I haven't posted a blog in such a long time because I lost my digital camera. I still have the memory card because that was in the printer... but the camera... who knows! I'm hoping it will turn up... which is the case with most of the things I misplace!
Knitting News.....
- I just got the call today that the Dream In Color yarn I ordered is being shipped tomorrow!!! YAY!!! I can't wait to get my hands on it!
- I finished knitting myself a devil hat for Halloween (how I would love to show you a picture!)
- I finished knitting Coronet for the second time. I loved this pattern even more the second time. I did modify a little though. I used 2 colors, one for the band one for the rest of the hat. I also added in some beads in the cable band portion.
- I started some xmas knitting... I know... I know... I'm a little late on this one
- I've started meeting with sales reps to order SPRING yarn... can you stand it
Other News
- I'm almost done painting my new apartment... only half a room to go (if you don't count the bathroom... which I'm not)
- The carpet measurer ( I know, not a real word) people are coming today to measure for my new carpets
- I should be ready to move in within 3 weeks... yay!
October 11, 2007
Who's going to buy me an Alpaca??

So, I drag my son and Dad into the craftsy building (there are quilts, knitting, art and more) and what do I see... but a first place ribbon on one of my customers sweaters! Good job Amy!! It's not the best picture... they had it all fenced off so I couldn't display it how I thought it shoud be displayed... tight security at the fair! It is the fair isle sweater from Stitch and Bitch Nation.
October 4, 2007
Go Red Sox!

September 21, 2007
Happy Birthday!

I just want to take a minute to say thank you to my mom (on the left) and my aunt (on the right). I just love this picture of the two of you... so very cute!
You have both been an inspiration to be in different ways. I love that we've been able to do something we love together for the last 2 1/2 years ( I can't believe it's been that long!). Some people have said they don't understand how I can work so closely with my family everyday... but I bet those people haven't met you two! We've always been a close family and I believe opening the yarn store has brought us even closer. Thanks for being the best two moms any girl could have.
Happy Birthday!
September 12, 2007
Did I say I wasn't going to start a new project?!?!

September 6, 2007
Buried in boxes of yarn!

Not only are the boxes in the backroom... they are migrating out into the shop! I'm not sure Bucky is real happy having to share the floor with the boxes.

August 30, 2007
Me... and the Women Around Me
The reason I'm writing about this randomness is because I just finished teaching a class on the Noni Felted Lattice Bag. The class was all women... different ages, different backgrounds, different all around... but we all love to knit. The conversation in 2 hours covered
- dogs
- cooking (or lack of)
- cables
- boobs
- sock yarn
and so much more! On top of it all... we get to make a beautiful bag!
My life is good... I love what I do.
August 29, 2007
OK.. I've been sucked in!
To start off with I will introduce myselt to those who may not know me. I'm Kim... I own a LYS (Local Yarn Store) in Wakefield, MA. Butterfly Yarns has been open for about 2 and a half years now. I love my job because I get to do what I love, bring my dog and my son to work, and meet some really great people!
So... I think having a blog I'll be able to write about my adventures as a single mom, business owner, and crazy knitter. Should be fun!!