A big giant Thanks to everyone who helped us get the fall yarns ticketed and on the shelves!!! You guys are great! Take a look... the store looks MUCH better!!

And Bucky is much happier now that he has the floor all to himself!!

And what did I do immediatly after the last skein of yarn was put in its place? I had to start a new project with some of the new yarns I had just spent hours touching. I said I was NOT going to start a new project... I had to finish at least one or two of my WIP... but no... everyone in the store convinved me to start something new! I'm using a new yarn by GGH called
Cumba. I'm making the hooded scarf that is on the cover of the new issue of
Rebecca. It is so much fun to knit... I can't put it down!! Thank goodness for long Red Sox games... I get a whole lot of knitting done!!