So... not everyone knows this about me... I'm a huge Red Sox fan! I love to go to games at Fenway and watch every game on TV... and I have to say this gives me a lot of great knitting time! So Conor and I went to the Rally on Monday in Government Square in Boston. This was definitely more for me than for Conor! I definitely hear alot of "When are we leaving?" "Is it over yet?" But you know what... I had a great time! And when he gets older he'll remember that we went and it will be a great mother son bonding memory... I hope.

Let's see... for knitting news... While watching games and attending rally's I've been working on the Clapotis using Alpaca Sox in Hot Pink. This is the perfect traveling project... I think I'm about 75% done (I did mine a little narrower than the pattern called for), I'll have to get a picture up of it soon!